Underground comix also influenced the alternative comics scene.
In the 1970s the comics scene in France and Belgium went through important changes.
This and some other factors caused fans, artists, publishers, merchants to connect on the Internet and set up new foundations for a wholly revised comics scene.
The festival is organized by the city library of Szeged and the local comics scene.
Note: the following list contains people, who have/had Hungarian heritage, although were not involved directly in the Hungarian comics scene.
Decompression is often claimed to be a result of the growing influence of manga on the international comics scene.
Ricketts created many original comics under the Caliber banner, but dropped out of the comics scene in 1996 to pursue other interests.
Autobiographical work took the alternative comics scene by storm during this period.
In the late 1960s, the underground comics scene arose, with artists creating comics that delved into subject matter explicitly banned by the Code.
Lawrence came onto the comics scene with his own title, Darkham Vale, which he created, wrote, pencilled, inked and coloured.