Yeah, okay: the New York Times Sunday paper doesn't have a comics section.
But the New York Times doesn't have a comics section.
Since the very beginning, the comics section was accompanied by an extensive section dealing with society, politics, mass media, literature and other cultural themes.
One page of a full-color comics section can be divided horizontally into two, three or four parts.
The starting domain and currently the largest section is the comics section, with in April 2011 over 250,000 articles.
How about we subversively move the Guardian to the comics section in the local newsagents?
Sunday comics sections that were 10 or 12 pages in 1950 dropped to six or four pages by 2005.
While there, she contributed to and edited the comics section of the school newspaper, FNews.
Block added a daily, four-page, colored comics section to the New Era.
Justin slipped the comics section out of the paper the waiter had brought up.