Much of the night's pianism commanded admiration, and sometimes a kind of awe.
Karellen could command respect and admiration: he could win nothing deeper so long as he pursued his present policy.
Her work, which also included essays and translations, commanded admiration from critics for more than half a century.
Roy Lancaster commands not only admiration for his handsome and eminently readable book, but also a bit of sympathy.
The advice came from Lamont Cranston, whose easy way of getting good results commanded admiration.
It is nevertheless an image that commands attention and admiration.
So long as he was alive Suraj Mal commanded the love, respect and admiration of people.
He is highly regarded in the music business as a "musician's musician" who "commands respect and admiration from a wide spectrum of artists".
His surviving sermons have commanded more admiration.
That makes them victim and hero at the same time, which makes them irresistible - they command both protection and admiration.