It was not until November 8 that the Chinese central command issued a general retreat to withdraw from the entire Shanghai front.
The Israeli high command issued the order to use no armor in the old city.
He had uttered no word, issued no commands.
He directed the hypo-beam once more at Becker's men, issued a second command which was ignored just like the first.
But John Marshall was able to directly enter her mind and learn from the source what mental commands she was issuing.
The Military command would agree with the press, but never issue an official commendation, nor a censure.
The guttural command issued forth from a delta-shift overseer.
The Israeli high command had issued an order to cease all attacks by 15:00 that day, and reiterated it at 17:30.
Then, more heads turned, but no commands issued from the Matrite officers.
A computer application records training sessions, complete with voice commands issued by the instructor which are received by the students via a headset.