That doctrine, he said, cannot override "a court's valid command to obey constitutional preferences."
"Stop wiggling," came a command and Anna obeyed, lying in the water, face to the sky, being reeled in like the day's catch.
Her astonishment was compounded when Halloran barked a command at the small monster and the creature obeyed!
The singer bowed in his seat and said, "His Majesty commands; I obey.
Media and advertising hide constant totalitarian commands to obey and conform.
This command the Lake-daemonians obeyed, if not with the precision of the parade ground, then with a discipline and order beyond imagining under the circumstances.
He went into hiding - in a house belonging to a super-racketeer, whose commands Durgan obeyed.
I command you to be faithful to me and to return to me, and these commands you must obey.
The girl's homespun gown came into play, the command obeyed because Aurelia's word was absolute law.
Against the goddess these complaints he made, But took the path, and her commands obey'd.