Mr. Khattab has commanded a guerrilla unit against Russian forces since the 1994-96 war when he led an ambush on an army column.
Just how important is Parcells's presence to the Giants, a team he has commanded since 1983?
He had not commanded troops since Korea.
"You are the only man who's commanded an armored unit larger than a battalion in combat since War II."
And no series has commanded such advance attention for a nonfarewell episode since Dallas ' revelation of who shot JR.
The zoo was there, still run by the galaxy's foremost expert on the animals therein, an emaciated woman who had commanded the place since its creation.
Pittsburgh developed from Fort Pitt, which had been commanded since 1777-1783 by four men who were founding members of the Society.
He was knighted in 1698, as captain of HMS Russell, which he had commanded since 1696.
Weinke has not commanded much attention here since his rookie season in 2001, when he started 15 games, the Panthers went 1-15 and the coaching staff was swept out.
Li Shimin had commanded troops since the age of 18, had prowess with a bow, sword, lance, and was known for his effective cavalry charges.