Shiite-led police forces began detaining Sunnis and refusing to release them even after American commanders concluded they were innocent.
Other commanders had already concluded that toppling the dictator's likeness might help get the point across and had tried it elsewhere.
In fact, on the eve of the attack one British commander concluded his briefing thus:
Conversely, the morale of the mujahideen involved in the attack slumped and many local commanders of Hekmatyar and Sayyaf concluded truces with the government.
American commanders, however, concluded that the Iraqi command and control was weakening and pressed their advantage.
The commanders concluded that the investigator's conclusions took security guidelines too literally and did not account for the captain's discretion.
President Clinton has also authorized the deployment of about 30 additional fighters and bombers if American military commanders conclude that they are needed.
The larger scale drops in Sicily in 1943 met with mixed success, and some commanders concluded the airborne experiment was a failure.
"And since it's not appropriate for one of your people to feel guilt, you're projecting that feeling- that conflict-onto me," the commander concluded.
Finally, today, after two weeks of limited attacks, British commanders concluded that the government's resistance was brittle and that it was time to begin a major attack.