Hsinbyushin was reportedly angered when his commanders negotiated a settlement with the Qing, a fact which Qianlong chose to interprete as his victory.
The commander negotiated a peace with the tribe and took formal possession of the territory for France.
Cordelia's thought was diverted just long enough to wonder how many of Vorkosigan's commanders were secretly negotiating right now to sell them out.
Their commanders are negotiating with the Dutch and German troops and local community leaders, they said.
Therefore the two commanders negotiated politely to defer hostilities.
Soviet commanders often negotiated local cease-fires with the revolutionaries.
It is not fitting that two commanders should negotiate in this manner.
The commander, Colonel Kerby, negotiates with Moreland but with no more success.
In the 36 hours that preceded the airport meeting, Bosnian commanders in Srebrenica had been negotiating through United Nations officers for a surrender.
The convoy's commander, faced with a battle that he felt he was sure to lose, negotiated a surrender.