Military commanders and their civilian supporters, including Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit, have rejected Kurdish nationalists' recent overtures.
The commander also sharply rejected overtures from a group of Red Cross volunteers who had traveled to the cease-fire zone in northern Nicaragua to discuss the Government amnesty plan.
Two weeks ago, the military commanders rejected a settlement based on a similar amnesty offer, which was first made in a brief statement broadcast to Haiti by shortwave radio.
But the commander of the Chechen rebels here in Shali, a village outside Grozny, rejected the proposal.
As for the issue of weakening our troops' war readiness, American commanders in Bosnia and Kosovo vigorously reject the notion that their missions degrade our troops' ability to handle other conflicts.
Haiti's military commanders today rejected an offer of amnesty by the country's ousted President that was to have been the cornerstone of a diplomatic settlement of this country's 18-month-old political stalemate.
Despite that evidence, senior commanders rejected aggressive steps to end the problem, the documents show, and instead pursued a strategy of withholding information from federal civil rights prosecutors.
Indeed, the American commanders reject the notion that they may be placing too much reliance on Afghan warlords for information, or too much reliance on air power to carry out their strategy.
The military commander of East Indonesia, Kawilarang, rejected the guerrillas' demands in a meeting with Kahar on 1 July 1950.
A senior Turkish military commander rejected her suggestion.