Hyder Ali moved on to capture Kaveripattinam after two days of siege, while the British commander at Changama, Colonel Joseph Smith, eventually retreated to Tiruvannamalai for supplies and reinforcements.
After a tough fight, the Austrian commander conceded victory to the French and retreated east toward Stuttgart.
The Italian commander of Dembecha also retreated to the east against his orders and Gideon Force occupied Dembecha on 8 March.
The commander finally determined that Hellenstein would be too costly to attack, and retreated without firing a shot.
The Soviet commander, Vinogradov, and two of his chief officers, Volkov and Pahomov, retreated in the middle of crucial battles.
"In a real war, any commander with brains at all would retreat and save his army."
The Confederate commander in the area, Lt. Gen. Leonidas Polk, consolidated a number of commands in and around Morton, Mississippi, but lost his nerve and retreated rapidly eastward.
The commander of the Beiyang Fleet retreated to the port of Lushun.
The French commander soon recalled Boussart and retreated.
Its commander, against the express orders of Mingrui, retreated back to Yunnan.