The new government has a commanding majority of 73 out of 120 seats in Parliament.
Furthermore, with a commanding majority in the election he could also further constitutional changes to allow for his re-election indefinitely.
Despite the ruling party's commanding parliamentary majority, it would be politically unacceptable in Japan to force through the bill.
They reasoned that, if neither main party won a commanding majority, both would have a stake in negotiating rather than fighting.
House leaders have enormous control over what comes to the floor, by virtue of their rules and their commanding majority.
The party won commanding majorities in the 1909 and 1912 elections, almost shutting the Opposition out of the legislature.
The resolution's proponents were concerned they would not garner a commanding majority of the vote.
During this period, the majority party in the lower house also generally had a commanding majority in the Senate.
Despite the ruling party's commanding parliamentary majority, passage may not come easily.
Passage in the upper house, where the governing party also holds a commanding majority, is expected Friday.