Under overcast skies the Principal officially opened the proceedings, the new commemorative flag was run up and a celebration cake was cut by one of the earliest students, Alastair Gentleman, and our longest serving member of staff, University Secretary Bob Bomont.
Many have inspired small memorials, like the commemorative flag at the Easton Police Department and the plaque by the weeping cherry tree in John E. Julian Heritage Park in Stafford.
Fly a commemorative flag over the Capitol.
Stuff like tombstone-tipping, spray-paint graffiti, and stealing commemorative flags is pretty common stuff out in the willywags, and of course there's always a bunch of smashed pumpkins to swamp out of the local boneyard on November lst, but these crimes went a lot further than pranks or petty theft.
The 1,400-pound steel pole will be hoisted into place by a helicopter and a steeplejack in time for a commemorative flag raising at 5:04 P.M. on Oct. 17, the anniversary of the quake.
Furthermore, Communist leaders were incensed to find out that the workers of Marchlewski collected money for a commemorative flag, with the inscription: Thank you, Holy Mother, for your protection on February 10-15, 1971.
They all laugh about it, and together moonwalk off to plant a commemorative flag.
A pennant is a commemorative flag typically used to show support for a particular athletic team.
School administration and staff are presented with a commemorative flag, a plaque, and a check to be used at the school's discretion.
This June the Algonquin Hotel, at 59 West 44th Street, celebrates the Round Table decade with events and mementos, among them a commemorative flag by the cartoonist Al Hirschfeld and a souvenir booklet.