When the teams met there last spring, the concession stands sold commemorative pins and the news media numbered 250.
When someone had a birthday, token gifts materialized, the Russians providing not only vodka but also medals, commemorative pins, envelopes with exotic postage stamps.
But it was a rivalry renewed, with feisty fans, about 250 members of the news media and $6 commemorative pins for sale.
A commemorative pin was created to recognize the staff who had participated in the execution.
A special commemorative pin back badge was produced together with an extensive souvenir program.
August 17, 2007, Walt Disney World releases another commemorative pin as part of its White Glove Remember When series.
July 1, 2008, Walt Disney World releases yet another commemorative pin as part of its White Glove Retro Epcot series.
Since 1950, the teams have suited up in pajamas with proceeds from donations, food, and commemorative pins going to charity.
To celebrate the centenary of the PSA in 2005, every student of the PSA was given a commemorative pin.
The letter also said that items like patches and commemorative pins violated the trademarks of the city by using the insignias of the Police and Fire Departments.