"They have entered Jevlenese planetary space and will commence their attack in twelve hours' lime."
During the morning of 9 May U-110 moved into position and commenced her attack.
The enemy commenced its attack with heavy shelling of guns and mortars.
Two other Condors joined the first aircraft at about 9:00 pm, and they commenced their attack on the convoy shortly thereafter.
The 306th arrived later and commenced its own attack, which did not succeed.
By 09:30, Davout's troops were in position and ready to commence their attack.
"We'll commence our attack in two minutes, whether or not the station has been evacuated. "
The 2/48th commenced their attack shortly before dawn on 10 July.
The drop was dispersed over a wide area, but the Paras regrouped quickly and commenced their attack.
The explosions were the signals for the close-in submarines to commence their attack.