Upon first commencing treatment, opipramol is rather sedating in nature due to its antihistamine properties, but this effect becomes less prominent with time.
However, it is important that a dentist or a dental hygienist be told of any heart problems before commencing treatment.
(This is to be distinguished from its antidepressant effect, which appears in approximately seven days after commencing treatment.)
Surgical removal is sometimes indicated, particularly if there has been delay in commencing treatment and structural changes have become irreversible.
No ethical therapist is going to object to talking to you before commencing treatment.
Seek medical advice immediately after any animal bite and commence post-exposure treatment.
However, there remain a range of views on this subject and the decision of whether to commence treatment ultimately rests with the patient and their doctor.
Before commencing treatment, there should be definitive diagnosis of the underlying cause for iron deficiency.
Patients have to wait six to eight weeks for CT and MRI scans and to commence treatment.
You should seek medical advice immediately after any animal bite and commence post-exposure treatment.