He advocated for construction of a base to commence quickly using improvised dredging equipment from the Panama Canal.
If valid, you may commence using that number immediately.
On 4 November 1960 electric services commenced using the Class 303 EMU.
The First Byurakan Survey commenced in 1965 using the Schmidt telescope.
His first letters were signed 'The Son of a Water Drinker,' but he soon commenced using his own name and continued to write till 1872.
British Rail commenced using the new station on 22 March 1982.
The popular zero-fare city circle tourist route commenced in 1994 using 12 of the 53 trams retained.
Sailings commenced in November 1991 using the Norse Lagan and Transgermania.
The club moved and commenced using the new Bunya fields in 1990.
In January 2008, development drilling commenced from a subsea template using Transocean's Adriatic-6 jack-up rig.