However there has been a commensurate increase in the number of immigrants in recent years, particularly from Eastern Europe.
This would enable them to produce more, without a commensurate increase in effort, and thus earn a higher wage or salary.
There has not been a commensurate increase in the enforcement of reporting laws, however.
Naturally there will be a commensurate increase in salary.
With the increase in obesity, a commensurate increase has already occurred in high blood pressure among children.
By the early 19th century, the French urban population had increased from under six million to over 16 million with a commensurate increase in crime.
The availability of higher wages did not necessarily produce a commensurate increase in consumption.
Although nominal wages were rising, there was not a commensurate increase in the standard of living for the Chilean population.
Now there are 16,000 without a commensurate increase in the 5,000 or so available spots.
"I think as people have greater expectations we need to have commensurate increases in resources," he said.