But there were also excerpts from letters, court documents, comments attributed to him, public pronouncements, and so on.
The comment attributed to him in January that the army would put down the uprising with "force, might, beatings," has dogged him ever since.
While he claimed he couldn't understand why people disliked her, saying he himself was indifferent, he expressed hope she hadn't made a comment once attributed to her "the Armani era is over."
In his own words, comments attributed to Prince Philip have contributed to the perception that he is "a cantankerous old sod".
But when interviewed at his offices, he wanted comments about the case attributed only to him.
Typically, the visible source has agreed to speak "off the record," which is generally understood to mean that the comments may be quoted, but not attributed to an identified person.
The juror, Vincent Giardina, denied having made comments attributed to him about the trial, which ended Oct. 6.
It was then he made the comment later attributed to him as king: "What you teach people to do is admirable but what you teach them to believe is foolish."
A comment attributed to Josephus reports that "Pilate, having heard him accused by men of the highest standing among us . . . condemned him to be crucified.
Van Sant's comments from the commentary track attributes many of the updates to the need to make the film more accessible to a new audience.