The Springwatch cuckoo map: can blog comments constitute accurate data?
A majority of the men and women responding to the poll said they believed that suggestive comments could constitute sexual harassment - that physical contact was not necessary.
His comments constitute one of the most outspoken declarations of support for change in the secretive and repressive state so far.
Mr. Falwell also argued that his comments constituted only his personal view, and not an endorsement by his lobbying organization, Liberty Alliance.
And one vague comment hardly constitutes a 'rant'.
Interesting comments about what constitutes a good clip joint topic.
The plaintiffs said comments that Adobe officials had made to analysts constituted misleading projections.
Sure, you might be having more communications with people than you would without it, but does posting links and comments constitute a social life?
Mr. Egawa's comments did not constitute official Government policy, and today's fierce reaction from the industry could cause officials to reconsider.
However, I understand that a separate package is being prepared, and your comments on land and air transport links certainly constitute interesting input for that package.