This corporation will enhance and develop the boat jetties into commercial assets for the state.
But the more practical reason is simply that the Duchess is not a commercial asset in Britain.
The company manufactured tracking devices for people, animals, the food supply, government/military arena, and commercial assets.
A banker in New York said banks would have the right to seize commercial but not public assets.
Officials said the Nationalists had made the party more democratic and transparent, putting many of its commercial assets into trusts.
As of September 30, 2009, the company had total commercial assets of $10.4 billion and $4.4 billion in deposits.
The trained dog proved to be the studio's most important commercial asset until the introduction of sound.
By the end of 2012, under Solomon's chairmanship, the iwi's commercial assets had appreciated to an estimated $809 million.
We look for larger commercial assets which cannot be bought in a weekend.
The plan was not approved because officials did not believe Russia had great commercial assets to be defended in these cold and desolate places.