Officer Frank Delaney, 38, is a hero among many merchants on Fulton Street after his mapping of a burglary pattern led to the arrest of two Fort Greene men who had committed 80 recent commercial burglaries.
She was found not guilty of commercial burglary, a charge requiring proof that she had gone into the store intending to steal.
But in the last 3 months of the year 2009, crime increased dramatically, leading to the lists murders, commercial and house burglaries, and carjackings.
Founded in 1911, the squad -whose official name is Safe, Loft and Truck Squad - has been responsible for investigating major commercial burglaries, art thefts, truck hijackings and kidnappings.
According to a police supervisor, an inquiry into commercial burglaries in Manhattan by the Midtown South Detective Squad led investigators to seek a search warrant for the apartment.
The second map did the same for residential and commercial burglaries.
She was found not guilty of commercial burglary.
If the figures are accurate, the group carried out more than 3 percent of the commercial burglaries committed since the beginning of 1990 in the borough, where about 10,000 such crimes take place each year, according to the police.
"I think this will have a significant impact on commercial burglaries in Manhattan," said Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly.
However, there was a 3.9 percent increase in the number of property crimes, including residential and commercial burglaries, from 3,880 in 2009 to 4,033 in 2010, according to FBI statistics.