The total commercial catch of coral trout was reported at over 1500 tonnes in 1998.
In 1993, Norway resumed a commercial catch, following a period of five years where a small catch was made under scientific permit.
He argued that an increased commercial catch will take more large bass out of circulation, leading to less spawning for future generations.
Part of the trouble is the heavy commercial catch.
Today, purse seines account for more of the commercial catch than any other method.
Most of the commercial catch is canned, but the sashimi marketplace adds significant demand for high-quality fish.
The fishing, however, was better than ever, and whitefish again accounted for a significant portion of the commercial catch.
California-Pinto abalone were never a major component of recreational or commercial catch.
The Government's position is backed by the fishing industry, which claims that seals are hurting its commercial catches.
Dr. Huntsman noted that the trend, which has continued, was similar if less dramatic for the commercial catch.