Much of the rally money comes from commercial endorsements.
"A lot of these things might be sort of fun, you know, if somebody had an idea for a commercial endorsement or speaking," he said.
He will also receive $1.5 million for commercial endorsements.
"He's allowed no more than three square inches of commercial endorsement on the sleeves or front."
The 25-year-old German star's overall annual income has been estimated at $10 million, with most of the money coming from commercial endorsements.
He left the show after 10 seasons in a dispute with the producers over his commercial endorsements.
Actors were committed to considerably more than getting paid for commercial endorsements.
She has a Web site, commercial endorsements and even her own line of fashion eyewear.
Is he the first black quarterback to find commercial endorsements consistently sent his way?
Because of his popularity, he has won commercial endorsements.