The concentration of amentoflavone found even in commercial ginkgo extracts possibly is too low to be pharmacologically active.
Befungin is a commercial Russian extract of Inonotus obliquus.
An in vitro evaluation of human cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition by selected commercial herbal extracts and tinctures.
Some people use the term "arctic root" as the general name for this product; however, arctic root is actually a trademarked name for a specific commercial extract.
In commercial extracts, when the plant is hydrolyzed it yields lupeol, spinasterol, acacic acid, lactone, and the natural sugars glucose, arabinose and rhamnose.
Prick to prick testing with fresh foods is more reliable for some extremely labile allergens such as those found in apple than testing with commercial extracts which will commonly give a false negative.
But you will get a stronger product that is much easier to use if you buy a concentrated commercial extract.
As a result, commercial extracts of coconut are not currently available for skin prick testing in Australia or New Zealand.