At present, there is no commercial harvesting or hatchery culture of oysters in country.
Since 2003, only two forest management areas containing mahogany have been approved for commercial harvesting in Brazil.
At one point, he considered the commercial harvesting of timber on the farm.
But the tribe decided to stop hunting whales early in the 20th century, when commercial harvesting had depleted the species.
But in recent years, they say, the commercial harvesting of protected species has grown to include a diverse range of other wildlife.
Ideally, the commercial harvesting of salmon would be limited to rivers or river mouths.
For this purpose (which includes commercial harvesting) cacti plants are specifically grown in the millions.
From the 1950s through the 1970s, commercial harvesting of black coral occurred in Molokini.
She said that both countries see eye-to-eye on almost everything but the commercial harvesting of whales.
The commercial harvesting of water buffalo hides and horns had begun by the 1880s.