At the same time, the letter said, "in the Atlantic, the Mexican commercial landings have risen exponentially in the last four years.
Under the airport's curfew agreement, each commercial landing outside the airport's curfew may be subject to a fine of $5,000.
Part of the fisheries commission's plan requires that no state's commercial fishery for stripers exceed 20 percent of its average annual commercial landings of the species in 1972-1979.
New York would use a tag system to control the commercial landings.
In 1986, commercial landings totaled 14 million pounds and the recreational catch was about 100 million pounds.
In 1986, reported commercial landings in the United States amounted to 1,200 metric tons.
On May 17, 2012, The first commercial landings on the second runway took place for the first time.
Since 1979, commercial landings have averaged about 14 million pounds a year, or 10 percent of the total take.
The gross value of direct U.S. subsidies was about 0.5% of the gross ex-vessel value of commercial landings.
Fisheries operating off Portugal and Japan are responsible for most commercial landings of the kitefin shark, generally as bycatch in bottom trawls and on hook-and-line.