There are a few new developments in the recently incorporated city of Randburg, which is a chief commercial node for the area.
Another small commercial node developed along Haultain Road.
These "down canyon" areas are primarily single-familty residential although several commercial nodes exist containing retail, lodging, dining and other services.
Millions of commercial nodes blinked, shimmied, rainbowed, and sang, doing their best to separate customers from credits.
It means that, according to this, we never logged onto the net, never entered the commercial node called 'Mister J's' all.
This development thus remains another commercial node in the Cape Town metropolitan area while the city centre remains vibrant.
Residential area here leaves no space for any commercial opportunities, thus commercial nodes are only available at the intersection of major arterial roads.
Major commercial nodes include Plaza Monarca.
The quality of building materials in this district is generally more superior than in other suburban commercial nodes in the city from the same era.
Vashi is an upmarket and the most developed residential as well as commercial node in Mumbai.