That's probably not legal unless he has acquired the rights to use both the name and image for commercial pursuits.
As a whole, they represent the relatively peaceful marriage that has lately been forged between artistic interest and commercial pursuit.
Once a man enters the Senate, he cannot engage in commercial pursuits having nothing to do with land.
At twenty years of age, Buber married and entered commercial pursuits.
British activity in the Persian Gulf was primarily a commercial pursuit.
He studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1847, and engaged in commercial pursuits.
A commercial pursuit is one in which the thing pursued is a dollar.
But until now, the battle has continued over whether creative employment should be subject to the same local business license taxes as more commercial pursuits.
Suter joined his father's business, and for some years he engaged in various commercial pursuits.
As interest increases, so has the desire for commercial outdoor pursuits.