In fact, it is commercial shipments of animals, not travel of individual pets, that are the source of the major horror stories.
But today it told an international users' conference in Vienna that commercial shipment of the computer would begin on schedule by the the middle of the year.
But commercial shipments must orginate only from plants that meet American requirements.
They produced the first commercial shipment of strain gages - a 50,000-piece order in 1941 .
But some of the seizures were commercial shipments that were intended for resale, customs officials said.
A small flock of the birds escaped from a commercial shipment.
It was estimated that resumption of commercial shipments would take at least 14 days.
Clearly this was a normal commercial shipment of grain for export.
The prices will be announced before the first commercial shipment.
Texas Instruments said such chips were prototypes and were not ready yet for commercial shipment.