And it has repeatedly assured a skeptical Congress of the wondrous commercial spinoffs of "Star Wars."
Robots could explore Mars more effectively, at a fifth the cost, at no risk to human life and with vast commercial spinoffs.
In the past, military research and development often had commercial spinoffs, but not by design.
Tier One is not itself intended to carry paying passengers, but it is envisioned that there will be commercial spinoffs, initially in space tourism.
The book suggests that the program threatens to skew Federal research efforts and to draw scarce scientific talent into a program that may have few commercial spinoffs.
Industry executives have long complained that too much Federal research spending goes to arcane military uses with potential few commercial spinoffs.
Washington refuses to give us the know-how we need most, attaches a battery of restrictions to the rest and denies us commercial spinoffs.
Of the current research projects, two that offer more decentralized computing models have already led to significant commercial spinoffs.
Two of her many projects have led to commercial spinoffs that represent the two leading types of shopping bots.
The Department of Energy plans a $5 billion atom smasher, even though it promises few commercial spinoffs and will rob funds from physics research of greater relevance.