The deal reached Tuesday was drafted in the summer, and the commission then discussed it with retailers and competitors.
During the coming rate hearing, the commission will discuss how that money should be spent, he said.
WorldCom and the commission have been discussing the additional restatements for several weeks, according to people involved in the case.
The commission discussed only the derivation of stem cells and has not considered other possible kinds of research on human embryos, he said.
But the industry and the commission have been discussing threats that are beyond the design basis.
The commission has discussed whether owners of open space in Sagaponack should be allowed to plant tall hedges.
Intense lobbying by politicians, developers, planners, environmentalists and community groups marked all seven meetings at which the commission discussed its plans.
The commission also discussed soliciting an additional monument giving the Indian point of view.
Nor did the commission discuss how to change Chapter 1's financing formula, which has been widely criticized.
As a matter of policy, the commission does not discuss continuing investigations.