While the commission cannot dismiss Chief Gates, it can make life uncomfortable for him by changing policies on training, use of force and weapons.
Last month, the nuclear commission dismissed the state and county from its Shoreham proceedings.
But on Friday, the national electoral commission dismissed the ruling, declaring that the court had no right to preside over the elections.
On April 1, the commission dismissed Estrada's last disqualification case.
The commission cleared the scientists and dismissed allegations that they manipulated their data.
Based on lack of evidence, the commission dismissed all allegations .
The company last month demanded veto power over what information the trustees could examine, but the commission dismissed that as unacceptable.
The commission dismissed the charges after he signed the agreement.
At its meeting next Thursday, the commission could adopt or the dismiss the rules entirely, change them or approve only a portion.
The commission dismissed government claims that its actions were counterinsurgency military moves.