For example, he said, the commission hired an Iraqi company to transport printed election material around the country rather than use American military convoys.
The commission hires a separate city manager, who holds administrative authority over the city government.
The commission may hire lawyers and consultants to assist it in its work.
The commission also hires the city manager.
Once the inquiry has been completed, the commission will take over as the independent regulator of commercial passenger vehicles including taxi and hire cars.
Created immediately after the accident, the commission hired several consulting firms to study the engineering design and the organizational culture of the project.
The commission is hiring a consulting firm with $250,000 in Federal funds.
The commission has hired a consulting firm to help evaluate the applications.
I will send a message to Congress today asking for a special appropriation so the commission can immediately hire staff and get to work.
The commission hired more than 70 security guards to maintain order.