As a result, the commission intends to step up enforcement by filing more lawsuits and seeking greater penalties.
And it suggested just how aggressive the commission intended to be in setting the record straight.
The new order indicates that the commission intends to call witnesses for testimony, at least some of whom are not parties to the dispute.
Partly to try to address this, the commission intends to run a short, targeted consultation in the next few months.
By late next month, the commission intends to vote on a final plan, which would go on the ballot in November.
"I don't exactly know what this commission intends to do."
The commission intends to put these programs in a legislative package that it will push before the final plan is adopted.
These are among the major questions the commission intends to answer.
The commission intends to put the charter changes on the ballot in November.
Word spread among farmers that the commission intended to create a world government and was responsible for depressed crop prices.