The commission organises the annual Al-Quds Day demonstration in London, initiated by Ayatollah Khomeini.
The commission, working with the International Atomic Energy Agency, organized the destruction of Iraqi weapons after the war.
The commission organised the Kenyan general election, 2013 on 4th March 2013.
The Esua-led commission organized the December 1964 election, which was mired in controversy.
The commissions organize and take part in several events during the year: an artistic competition, parades, beauty contests, etc.
The executive will serve for up to six months while another commission organizes the calling of an emergency loya jirga, a traditional assembly of ethnic and provincial leaders.
Nevertheless, when the new commission organized its staff, the Yugoslavs were offered only four minor posts out of sixty permanent appointments.
In 2008, the commission organised a series of seminars to enhance the investigators' knowledge on the global and local financial system and its regulatory mechanism.
As of 2006 the commission has organized eight International Conferences on Scientific Signs in the Qur'an and Sunnah.
The commission organised many meetings and discussions as well as received many memoranda from various organisations and managed to finish a complete investigation four years later.