In 1996, more than 250 donors gave the maximum to both President Clinton and former Senator Bob Dole, the Republican candidate, in the primaries, commission records show.
Both administrators resigned without criminal charges, and state investigators are examining why commission records remained secret and whether they might have been altered to hide evidence of the accusations.
Some of the party's biggest donors have also written large checks to state Republican Party chapters, which do not appear in commission records.
Sandy Johnson of the Nevada Athletic Commission said that commission records showed that Cooper got $25,000 for fighting Coffee.
Three children have been killed in accidents involving the darts in recent years, according to commission records.
According to commission records, 1,154 cabs, or roughly 10 percent of the city's 11,787 cabs, are driven by owner-drivers who own both the car and the medallion.
Complaints wait on the shelf for 19 months before investigators can reach them, 11 months longer than in 1990, commission records show.
If the commission record reveals plausible explanations for Soviet activity, President Reagan's harsh rhetoric about Moscow would be discredited.
The district attorney's office has already subpoenaed the commission records from that night.
Anne Womack, assistant White House press secretary, said the Bush administration had not threatened to block the five Clinton appointees if the commission records were not found.