But now they have no commissions signed by the governor, there are no buccaneers, so I have nothing to lead.
Memorabilia are everywhere, from an ancestor's commission as a midshipman, signed by President John Adams, to the knickknacks of successive generations.
Oh, so at least the Privy Council did not regard us as pirates, because it knew we all have commissions signed by the then acting Governor.
One of his favorite items is a 1861 commission signed by Lincoln that made Edwin Drew the customs collector in Oregon.
He subsequently became Colonel of this militia; his commission signed by Martin Van Buren as governor, dated 1828.
John Gwynne, deputy director of design for the zoo, read a seven-page statement to the commission signed by Mr. Conway.
Madam, you saw the gallant major deliver the commission signed by the governor.
"Which reminds me, we need a commission signed by you for our third ship, thePhoenix ."
That is to say, he has a commission, signed by the President of the United States, naming him an officer.
The former was awarded to Nicuesa and the latter to Ojeda in a commission signed on 6 June 1508.