The commissioners also requested that the private practice offices of Evan and Thomas Kane be moved outside the hospital.
The commissioner requested such a list, following guidelines set by his predecessor, A. Bartlett Giamatti, for a hearing planned for Pete Rose last year.
The commissioners requested bids on April 30, 1884, and reviewed the bids on June 8, 1884.
Still, it is rare that a commissioner seeking office would request a leave rather than resign.
It had been reported that the commissioner had requested that George Steinbrenner, the principal owner of the Yankees, hold off any announcement relating to such changes until after the World Series.
Bourque said his department's commissioner has requested that a biologist in each of the state's seven regions suggest a lake, stream or pond for pure catch-and-release fishing.
Huntly, who had retired to the Bog of Gight, deeming further resistance to be meanwhile vain, sent commissioners to request an interview with Montrose.
With the possibility of a refugee crisis, the high commissioner for refugees requested a list of possible camp sites from the government.
The commissioner requested a meeting on Aaron's next visit to New York.