Even as it becomes stronger, China will not commit aggression.
These tribes of Madinah have never agreed either with Muhammad nor with anyone else to commit aggression on anyone.
In 1994 he said it was a matter of "subtle definition" whether Japan had committed aggression against its Asian neighbors.
It was very odd - why were the teachers always committing aggression against their pupil?
On 1 October 1946, Raeder was found guilty of conspiracy against the peace, conspiracy to commit aggression, and war crimes.
In it he proclaimed "We are prohibited from committing aggression, even if the enemies of Islam do that"
Our strategy seeks to safeguard U.S. interests by convincing adversaries not to commit aggression against those interests.
"Whoever commits aggression against Iraq will be the party that shall turn out to be the loser," he said.
They are united in opposing bad men who commit aggression, and they band together to fight people like Saddam who do.
"You are the one committing 'aggression' against us," I told her.