The committee organised and coordinated a series of large demonstrations.
At the village level, committees of government representatives and local farmers coordinated and supervised the local program.
In Britain a single committee had coordinated design, and had to overcome the initial resistance of the Army, while the major industries remained passive.
The committee has been coordinating Apostolos Andreas' restoration efforts for the past year.
In addition, a joint committee that included government and Tiger representatives coordinated the distribution of aid.
By spring 1958 the Bahá'í population may have been 100 and there were six assemblies and a regional committee is coordinating activities promulgating the religion.
The faculty-student committee will coordinate the changes with another committee representing the university administration, but no further formal approval is required.
A central committee in San Felipe de Austin coordinated their activities.
(By law, such committees can raise unlimited amounts of money but cannot coordinate with the Kerry campaign.)
Local committees had to be organized, encouraged and coordinated.