He said that the committee denied his and his colleagues' requests for public hearings so they could respond.
The committee granted assistance to three of the umpires and denied it to three others.
A committee of American League owners denied his requests.
But the committee has denied that it is attempting to influence the outcome of the election.
The committee has denied the request and is proceeding.
I tried to get the charcoal transported to Priska, but the committee denied me permission to transport it.
A few weeks later, the chief executives of the seven largest tobacco companies went before a Congressional committee and famously denied that smoking was addictive.
This committee approved and denied requests of community members to have a child.
Though a committee initially denied Ms. Klein's request, the full board approved it in March.
While the committee could not deny the spouse ownership of the shares, it could refuse to permit that person to remain, forcing a sale.