We are convinced any action we take as a committee instead of helping the situation may but lead to further friction and bitterness.
And many activists hold little hope that the king's committee will resolve their grievances and lead to genuine reform.
These committees (which, at the beginning, were led by the people) led to the arrest of several ba'athists.
Mr. Shelby's committee is leading the investigation in the Senate.
The committee, in turn, leads negotiations for 450 to 500 American and foreign banks that have made loans to Mexico.
A select committee of any kind, he wrote the Speaker, would lead to divisions within the party and politicize the impeachment process.
The new committee also led to the mass exodus of the most promising mid-card wrestlers in the company.
A joint coordinating committee composed of representatives from each of the two organizations led the effort.
These committees have already led to greater supervisory cooperation and more convergence in supervisory practices.
The committee led the effort of the many Filipino in raising enough money for the plaza.