Second, the committee objected to a provision that released members of management from further civil action.
Eastern had filed a motion last Friday asking for the release of $100 million within three business days, but a committee of unsecured creditors objected.
Croghan and his committee objected, and Connolly was released.
But the central committee objected to it, and this prompted the creation of an entirely political party, the Mizo Union.
I was then told the committee objected to the scale of the figures on the panels.
He said the committee objected to the new leadership's "in your face" style and said it had taken the group in a more radical direction.
Q. Are there cases where the committee has objected to a takeover but failed to block it?
Still, the committee did not object to online learning itself.
In particular, the committee objected to the blood on John Brown's hands, the prairie fires, and tornadoes.
"I am sure your committee does not object to this extra-Constitutional meeting."