The committee then put forward the people's aspiration to the Sultan and obtained the royal consent.
A White House spokesman, Tony Fratto, said in a statement that "committees can easily obtain the facts they want without this confrontational approach by simply accepting our offer."
Mr. Humphrey offered to help the committee obtain some of the many documents provided by the industry as a result of Minnesota's suit.
The committee obtained a legal opinion on the constitutionality of the proposal, according to which no issue of taxation without representation existed because the districts could not levy taxes.
The committee obtained the documents and transcripts called for, and released them to the public in August 2009.
Last July, the committee obtained a temporary court order barring demolition.
Meanwhile the committee set the rules and obtained generous sponsorship through local industry, together with donors for the two trophies.
Yesterday the committee obtained a copy of the telegram that our friend Wikoff sent to the Herald.
With the help of DePauw University radio station WGRE, the committee obtained the information necessary to found a radio station.
The committee obtained the tape last month, and turned it over to Republican state party organizations across the country.