The package was tucked into a $66.4 billion bill that the committee offered as a way to bolster the national economy.
Under Senate rules, the committee can offer a witness immunity only if two-thirds of the members vote to do so.
According to Mara, the committee has not offered the job to anyone.
But the only solution the committee offered was to turn the issue over to Congress, which has studiously avoided getting involved.
The committee has offered a vague explanation, saying the money may have been given by a relative of hers.
On the other hand, he said, a committee offers one advantage.
"The committee offered a lot of good advice, and besides, it's always easier the second time around."
The committee thus offered a series of proposals designed to combat racism.
The committee offered £300 plus £1 a year ground rent.
The committee offered no overall estimate for the cost of its recommendations.