Ceylon Petroleum Corporation said that this is a case concerning a publicly owned corporation, of critical importance to its national economy, with no experience in commodity derivative transactions.
The analysis concluded that Mr. Rich and his partner, Pincus Green, whom Mr. Clinton also pardoned, had paid all the taxes they owed on the commodity transactions in question.
The goal isn't a commodity transaction with maximum selection at minimum price, the goal is an experience worth seeking out and paying for.
"The conclusion that Chase deliberately camouflaged a loan to Enron as a commodity transaction in order to perpetuate a fraud" on the insurance companies, Mr. Levine says in a court filing, "is buttressed by Chase transactions with other firms."
Impact on Investigation This latest account of the Clintons' finances virtually insures that Robert B. Fiske Jr., the special prosecutor looking into Whitewater, will have to review the commodity transactions.
Both developed from clearing commodity transactions.
An Irrevocable Fee Protection Agreement (IFPA) is generally applied to an over-the-counter commodity transaction.
It involves a commodity, and we all know how expensive commodity transactions can be.
So it is this winter, when even heating the house takes on the trappings of a commodity transaction.
Silver discussed macro and micro aspects of the commodity wages paid to estate workers, and other commodity monetary transactions cited in the Heqanakht papers.