It was a common accusation made against the accused at witch trials, but seems to have been essentially the invention of demonologists.
Another common accusation is that greed is responsible for the rising rate of Caesareans.
One of the most common accusations against domain name speculation is that it is simply cybersquatting.
According to Barrett, the most common accusation made against destructive cults is sexual abuse.
The case is also likely to reprise a common accusation in such trials: that, too often, auditors and lawyers simply looked the other way.
One very common accusation was collaboration with supposed pro-Japanese spy rings.
They lacked the accusation and recrimination so common elsewhere.
In the factional church disputes under Charles I, however, this was certainly a common accusation.
Blair makes a common profane accusation against the bishop.
The most common accusation is that of autocratic behaviour and despotism.