I have allergies, all common, to wheat, eggs, fish, chocolate and some spices.
A An allergy to milk is the most common allergy in young children.
Dr. Sheffer said that while the condition is rare, "it's the most common physical allergy."
Nine percent of Americans who visit a doctor are seeking treatment for those or other common allergies.
The following home remedies are designed to help reduce the discomfort caused by the most common allergies.
OAS is perhaps the most common food-related allergy in adults.
Comment: Very effective when taken the night before for common allergies.
Today, the nickel content is reduced or absent, due to common allergies to this metal.
Poison ivy, another bane of summer, is the world's most common allergy, affecting almost half of all Americans.
In older children and adults, fish, peanuts, shellfish, and tree nuts are the most common allergies.