Probably was more common before the hole in the ozone layer and all that.
It can not be a personal fantasy either, since those limitations were common to all human reason before our particular experience.
Students said the game, which they call "elevator surfing," had been common at the university before the accident.
For some words, where the Germanized form was common even before the reform of 1996, the foreign version is no longer allowed.
There is in fact little evidence that the superstition was common before the 1850s.
Arranged marriages were also common in the Western world before the 18th century.
Today, agriculture and fisheries, common before 1918, have completely disappeared.
This shank was common before 1850, and is still in production.
Wooden flutes were far more common before the early 20th century.
This is common on print advertising before the release of a movie.