During the 1940s, "That's the $64 question" became a common catchphrase for a particularly difficult question or problem.
Internet time was a common catchphrase that originated during the late-1990s Internet boom.
Another common catchphrase is "and that pass was high, but not in the Ricky Williams sense," referring to the player's use of marijuana.
She helped make the product's slogan, "the quicker picker upper," a common catchphrase.
In fact, it had become one of the most common catchphrases of the war.
The phrase is now a common Danish catchphrase.
While the studio tried to remain true to his vision (a common catchphrase of the time was "What would Walt do?")
His common catchphrase is, "I eat for breakfast", usually naming his enemy.
This phrase has become a common catchphrase among ponceños, who are usually regarded for the pride they show for the city.
Another common catchphrase of his is "Holla!"